November 8, 2010
#816: Applied Math explain

[Ponytail is standing at a whiteboard considering a logical proof. The proof assumes P and deduces P ∧ P.]
Ponytail: Wow. I can’t find fault with your proof.
[Ponytail is still looking at the white board, the frame expands to show Megan walking away, rubbing her hands together in an evil manner.]
Ponytail: You’ve shown the inconsistency — and thus the invalidity — of basic logic itself.
Megan: Excellent. On to step two…
[Megan sits down at a desk and begins to write.]
Dear Dr. Knuth,
[She continues to write.]
I am writing to collect from you the $3,372,564.48 I am owed for discovering 1,317,408 errors in The Art of Computer Programming…