November 24, 2010
#824: Guest Week: Bill Amend (FoxTrot) explain

[Jason from FoxTrot is sitting at an artist’s desk with a pencil, holding a phone.]
Jason: Hi, Mr. Munroe? I have a great idea! Let me draw some strips for you!
Randall, through the telephone: Fat chance, kid.
[Zoom in to Jason.]
Jason: Sudo let me draw some strips for you.
[The following are transcripts of three strips.]
[Cueball and Ponytail are looking at each other.]
Cueball: I find you more attractive than usual.
Ponytail: You do? Is it my new haircut?
[Zoom in to Cueball.]
Cueball: Actually, I think it’s all the weight you’ve been putting on. Your gravitational pull is pretty severe.
[Cueball is now alone in the panel.]
Cueball: Just sayin'.
[Two people are in a living room. The woman is looking through a chest of drawers.]
At home with the Heisenbergs
Mrs. Heisenberg: I can’t find my car keys.
Mr. Heisenberg: You probably know too much about their momentum.
[Congress is in session. The Speaker is standing on stage in front of an American Flag hanging by an ionic column, holding up a gavel. Seven Members of Congress are seen in front of the stage: a Cueball, a Hairbun, a man with glasses, a woman with long hair, and three more Cueballs. The first, fourth, and sixth members have their hands raised.]
Caption: Why mathematicians should run for Congress
Speaker: All those in favor of the bill say “aye.”
Congressman #1: Aye.
Congresswoman #2: Aye.
Congress–Mathematician: √-1