October 20, 2010
#808: The Economic Argument explain

[A three-column table. The headings are actually standing above the table.]
{| class=“wikitable alternance”
! Crazyphenomenon
! If it worked, companieswould be using it tomake a killing in…
! Arethey?
| Remote Viewing
| rowspan = 2 | Oil Prospecting
| Dowsing
| Auras
| rowspan = 3 | Health CareCost Reduction
| Homeopathy
| Remote Prayer
| Astrology
| rowspan = 2 | Financial/BusinessPlanning
| Tarot
| Crystal Energy
| Regular Energy
| Curses, Hexes
| The Military
| Relativity
| GPS Devices
| style=“text-align:center;” | ✓
| QuantumElectrodynamics
| SemiconductorCircuit Design
| style=“text-align:center;” | ✓
Eventually, arguing that these things work means arguing that modern capitalism isn’t that ruthlessly profit-focused.