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January 6, 2010

#685: G-Spot explain


[To the left of the main comic there is an explanation text without a frame around it:]

A study published in the journal of sexual medicine suggests that the g-spot may not actually exist.

We go live to the researchers’ press conference:

[Two reporters with microphones, Ponytail and a Cueball-like guy, stand below a podium where Cueball stands behind a lectern. Ponytail reach out with her microphone towards Cueball:]

Ponytail: Is it true you’ve been unable to find evidence that the G-spot exists?

[Zoom in on Cueball and the top of the lectern:]

Cueball: My research is in solar cells. I think you have the wrong press conference.

[Beat panel with the same view as before.]

[Same view but now Cueball hangs his head.]

Cueball: But… yes.