January 25, 2010
#693: Children's Fantasy explain

[Kid is sitting on the ground with his chin in his hand.]
Kid: I’m such a loser-
[Princess sticks her head through a portal.]
Princess: Come quickly, young one!
Kid: Holy crap, a portal!
Princess: My kingdom needs you!
[He falls through.]
[We see him on horseback, helmeted wielding a sword. There’s a castle on the horizon and two moons in the sky. There are a few other riders as well.]
[Kid, with helmet and sword, stands before King, Princess, and another warrior. Princess is holding out a ring.]
King: You’ve saved our kingdom and found your self-confidence. Now it’s time to return home. Goodbye, young hero!
Princess: Take this ring to remember us!
[Kid stands alone, holding the ring.]
Kid: Well, I guess I spend the rest of my life pretending that didn’t happen or knowing that everyone I love suspects I’m crazy.
Kid: This’ll be a fun 70 years.