January 13, 2010
#688: Self-Description explain

[A pie chart which is mainly white with a black slice of about 30 degrees towards the bottom left. The two sections are labeled, with a line going from each label into the middle of the corresponding section. The portion of the line within the black section is white to maintain visual contrast.]
Fraction of this image which is white
Fraction of this image which is black
[A bar graph with a label over the Y-axis. There are three black bars with a label below each bar. Bar 1 is of medium height, bar 2 highest and bar 3 the lowest.]
Amount of black ink by panel:
1 2 3
[A scatter-plot with a label over the Y-axis. In the bottom left corner of the graph, the two axes have a tick a short distance from the origin, and these ticks are labeled with zeros. The contents of the graph look like a smaller version of the whole comic, scaled proportionally to fit the axes. The scale is too small for any of the text to be legible, though the text would, presumably, be the same as that noted in this image transcript, which (not including newlines) has 1190 characters when viewed in the editor and 1166 characters after being rendered.]
Location of black ink in this image: