September 11, 2009
#635: Locke and Demosthenes explain

[The “real” names and the fact that the squirrel is vomiting comes from the official transcript on xkcd.]
[Valentine (a.k.a. Demosthenes, with long dark hair), is laying on her back on the ground looking up at the sky with her hands behind her head. Peter (a.k.a. Locke, looking like Cueball) is attracting a squirrel with some food his hand.]
Valentine: Ender’s up there saving the world, but down here it’s falling apart politically. What can we do?
[Peter turns towards and sits down, leaning back on one hand. Valentine sits up in a similar position. Her hair looks like a mix between Megan and Hairbun’s hair. The squirrel behind Peter is bending over the food Peter has thrown out for it.]
Peter: I know — we get on the nets and anonymously post political opinions. People reading our articles will see our intelligence, recognize how clear and logical our arguments are, and insist that we be put in charge, so we can fix everything!
Valentine: Brilliant!
[Beneath the first two panel is large panel displaying a blog page. The background is light gray and then there are four white rectangular sections with rounded corners.]
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which is why we must reach out to the Russian leadership.
Posted at 3:15AM by Locke
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