August 24, 2009
#627: Tech Support Cheat Sheet explain

Dear various parents, grandparents, co-workers, and other “not computer people.”
We don’t magically know how to do everything in every program. When we help you, we’re usually just doing this:
[There is a flowchart there. Numbers are included to improve clarity, and do not appear in the original.]
Rectangle: Start.
[Go to 1.]
[1. Diamond] Find a menu item or button which looks related to what you want to do.
[I can’t find one - go to 2.]
[Ok - go to 3.]
[2. Diamond] Pick one at random.
[I’ve tried them all - go to 4.]
[Ok - go to 3.]
[3. Rectangle] Click it.
[Go to 5.]
[4. Rectangle] Google the name of the program plus a few words related to what you want to do. Follow any instructions.
[Go to 5.]
[5. Diamond] Did it work?
[Yes - go to 8.]
[No - go to 6.]
[6. Diamond] Have you been trying this for over half an hour?
[Yes - go to 7.]
[No - go to 1.]
[7. Rectangle] Ask someone for help or give up.
[End of flowchart.]
[8. Rectangle] You’re done!
[End of flowchart.]
Please print this flowchart out and tape it near your screen. Congratulations; you’re now the local computer expert!