June 3, 2009
#592: Drama explain

[Megan and two Cueball like guys are sitting together.]
Megan: Man, sex has all these crazy social rules. They just create drama.
Cueball: Let’s agree to change them, and make sex simple!
Friend: Okay!
[Cueball gets up and goes out the door.]
Cueball: Hooray! We’ve solved the problem of drama!
Cueball: I’ll go tell everyone!
[There is a graph labeled drama. Below is an axis and below that an arrow marked with time. A vertical dotted line is labeled and indicates the rule change. Drama is low, although fluctuating, before the rule change, then sharply increases afterward and continues to increase.]
Rule change
[Cueball closes the door and then leans against it.]
Cueball: Holy shit
Cueball: Guys
Cueball: People are complicated!