June 22, 2009
#600: Android Boyfriend explain

[Ponytail enters from the right dragging Hairy along by his hand, as she moves towards Cueball who stands with Megan in his hand.]
Ponytail: I thought your android girlfriend was cool so I got myself an android boyfriend.
[Suddenly the Megan android runs into the arms of the Hairy android, while Ponytail has let go of his hand. Ponytails head swirls around to follow her run by.]
Ponytail: He’s really great. I like how—
Ponytail: Uh.
[Cueball and Ponytail look towards the two androids, but they are now outside this frame-less panel.]
Off-panel sound: *Zip*
Off-panel voice: Mmmmm
[Cueball and Ponytail still look at the scene off panel.]
Cueball: …Huh.
Ponytail: It’s like somebody stuck a vibrator in a fleshlight.
Off-panel sound: Whirrr
Off-panel voice: Mmmm
Off-panel sound: Click