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June 12, 2009

#596: Latitude


[[The Black Hat Guy is holding a phone up to someone.]]

Black Hat Guy: We’re in a narrow window in which people are using Google Latitude, but haven’t learned the habit of turning it off when they’re doing something discreetly.

Black Hat Guy: I wrote an app to log friends’ locations and work out addresses and business names.

[[A timetable is visible. Each column represents a different person.]]

[[First column: Megan.]]

11:00AM Home

12:30PM Eastview Adult Toy Store

1:30PM Home

2:00PM Laketown Sex Toy Shop

2:30PM Home

3:00PM Fry’s Electronics

3:30PM Ed’s Power Tool Emporium

4:00PM Home

4:10PM Hospital Burn Ward

[[Second column: Rober - the rest of the name is cut off, as well as the end nof each entry.]]

12:30PM Home

2:00PM Schoo

3:30PM Subwa