June 1, 2009
#591: Troll Slayer explain

[A list of post comments alongside pictures on a website. The first picture shows a page from a book/website with a small black picture with a white feature in the upper left corner and text to the right and below it. The second picture shows Cueball in front of three people, with a unclear drawing to the right (is it a canon?). The third picture shows a man with a black hat holding up a sword to the left and a trumpet to the right. The fourth and last picture is cut off in the middle at the bottom of the frame. The visible top part shows a drawing of a mans face from the nose/ears and up. The man has black hair and says LOL].
Text picture: Hey, let’s troll the fuck out of the Twilight boards
Cueball picture: I’m in. Should be fun
Man with sword picture: Me too. Signing on now.
LOL face picture: Lol angsty teens.
[Stephenie Meyer is shown sitting facing right and chatting at her computer. She get’s a reply from the screen. It looks like she actually speaks the lines of text to someone, but she only types it in via the keyboard. This becomes clear in the next panel where the pimpled boy she talks to obviously types his reply on the keyboard. Across the top border of the frame is a smaller frame with a caption:]
Hours Later:
Stephenie Meyer (typing): Hi, it’s Stephenie Meyer. Fine, you don’t like my books. But please leave us alone.
Pimpled boy (from computer): Show us your tits.
Stephenie Meyer (typing): I asked politely. Don’t make me get tough.
[A boy with lots of pimples and black hair is sitting at his computer typing (facing the other way towards Stephenie in the previous panel). He writes his reply on the keyboard and receives a reply from Stephenie coming out of the computer.]
Pimpled boy (typing): And what, call the internet police? You don’t get it, do you? We’ve been trolling for years. We’re all anonymous. There’s nothing you can do to hurt us. We’re the net’s hate machine.
Stephenie Meyer (from computer): Okay. Just remember, I gave you a chance. *Disconnected*.
[A page from a book is shown lying slanted across the panel. Some of the text is thus cut off at the edges of the frame. The first eight lines can be read clearly, even though the last letter in both the 2nd and sixth line is partly cut-off. Below that there are four incomplete lines, where only the visible part will be transcribed, but a good guess at the missing text is written in square brackets. Across the top border of the frame is a smaller frame with a caption:]
Six Months Later:
Vampires! Book VI
Edward ran a pale hand
through his perfect golden-
bronze hair, then signed
on to 4chan.org, the darkest
place on the internet, where
all his vampire compatriots
spent their time.
Suddenly, there was [a]
[sha]rp knock at the d[oor]
[?] swept in [?]
[?r?]ing [?]
[Another list of post comments alongside pictures on the same website as in the first panel. The first picture shows a man with black hair and a woman with long hair standing with their backs against each other (probably Edward and Bella from the books). The second picture is just a white frame with the text Dawnz. The third picture shows a person from the chest and up. The person has black hair and black clothes, with some kind of collar. The fourth and last picture shows two chess piece a large one in front of the other. The picture is shown completely but the text message seems to be more than two lines long, but only the top two lines are shown. Across the top border of the frame is a smaller frame with a caption:]
Shortly thereafter:
Two people picture: OMG I love this place it’s so edgy being anonymous
Dawnz picture: Whos your favorite vampire
Collared person picture: Check out my pic Im so dark just like this site
Chess piece picture: Any Twilight fans in Dallas want to meet a lonely
[Back to the boy with lots of pimples now sitting resigned at his computer without typing.]
Hairy: Oh… Oh God.