May 7, 2009
#580: The Race: Part 4 explain

[Cueball and Nathan Fillion are ready on the start line on their electric skateboards.]
Voice off panel: On your mark…
Voice: Get set…
Nathan: Remember episode 11, when I got all naked in that desert?
Voice: Go!
[Nathan speeds away leaving Cueball standing at the start line.]
Voice: …I said “Go.”
Voice: Someone throw some water on him.
Cueball: Can’t…get it…out of my head…
[Nathan on walkie talkie, speeding on his skateboard.]
Nathan: He’s right behind me. Kaylee, I’m gonna try a Crazy Ivan.
Jewel [on walkie talkie] ([[579]] shows Nathan’s naming confusion): That doesn’t make any sense, Nathan.
Nathan: Trust me.
Jewel: No, I mean it’s not a skateboard maneuver. The concept doesn’t even apply to this situation.
Nathan [via walkie talkie]: That’s why it just might work!
Jewel: No, that’s the opposite of true!
Nathan: On my mark, override the remote differential and throw her into a spin.
Jewel [via walkie talkie]: okay, but—
Nathan: Mark!
[Nathan lying injured on the ground next to his skateboard, Cueball cruises past.]
[Nathan, trying to stand up.]
Nathan: I’m down. Tell Summer “The chickens are in the hayloft. Plan Gamma is a go.”
[Nathan, one foot on skateboard, looking at walkie talkie.]
mumbling from walkie talkie
Jewel: She says, “Plan gamma acknowledged. The meerkats are in the bag.
[Summer Glau is walking off panel.]
Jewel [to walkee talkie]: So we’re good?
Nathan: Hard to tell with her. Do you see an actual bag of meerkats?
Jewel: No.
Nathan: Then we’re probably good.
[Cueball screeching to a halt as he sees Summer Glau.]
Cueball: Oh! Hi, Miss Glau! I’d love to talk, but Nathan’s back on his feet and catching up.
[Summer grabs Cueball’s arm.]
Cueball: Wha—
[Summer kicks Cueball in the face whilst pulling his arm towards her, he flies off his skateboard.]
[Summer walking away as Cueball lies crippled on the floor with his sunglasses beside him.]
[Cueball still lying on the floor.]
Cueball [thinking]: I’ve never been so turned on in my life.