May 27, 2009
#589: Designated Drivers explain

[Cueball is addressing three people outside a bar, indicated by a sign (two Cueball-like guys and Megan).]
Cueball: Wait, who’s driving?
First Cueball-like guy: Why?
First Cueball-like guy: Tom, right?
[Zoom in on Cueball.]
Cueball: Yes, but we have to leave in two groups. One of which will need at least two drivers.
[There is text both above and below a flowchart with arrows between a group of the three people Cueball is talking to, and three houses that are labeled ‘bar’, ‘dinner’, and ‘party’. Three lines point from the group of people to the bar and a fourth arrives from the party. Four lines points away from the bar. Two goes to the dinner one to the party and one away to the left. There are six arrows arriving at the dinner. Apart from the two lines coming from the bar, there is one long arrow pointing to the dinner from the left and two coming in from above. One more comes from the party below. Six arrows points away. One arrow goes away to the top right, the other five arrows points straight down to the party. There are also six arrows coming and leaving the party. Apart from the five from the dinner there was the one coming in from the bar. The six arrows leaving are the one arrow that went to the bar and the one to the dinner. The other four leaves in two groups of two, on straight down and two curving to the left.]
Cueball (off-panel): Someone has to get Paul, and Julia and Emily have to leave by 10:00.
Labels: Bar
Labels: Dinner
Labels: Party
Cueball (off-panel): The logistics of who can get drunk are nontrivial.
[The second Cueball-like guy to the right has an goat on a string behind him, which was not visible in the first panel, as he was at that time only partly inside the frame.]
Second Cueball-like guy: Yeah, and I can’t ride in a car with the wolf because he’ll eat my goat.
Cueball: Dammit, guys.