April 15, 2009
#569: Borders explain

[Two Cueball-like guys stand on a hill overlooking a great city. One of them points at the city. Between them and the city stands an embassy flying a red flag. The text is not spoken by either of the guys.]
Three years ago, the kingdom of Liate overthrew their old order and established a constitutional monarchy. Our leaders signed a treaty with their queen, and our borders were set by the Yarbis Accords.
Many said war would be unending, that peace would always be a dream deferred. But today, our flag flies proudly over our embassy in their kingdom, and they walk our lands without fear.
So come, traveller. Lay down your grudges and join us in brotherhood. It is time not to fight, but to live.
[Cueball sitting at computer.]
Cueball: This is the worst capture-the-flag server ever.