November 30, 2009
#669: Experiment explain

[Cueball is standing next to a laptop, looking groggy.]
Cueball: Ugh…
Cueball: What happened?
[Cueball begins to regain some awareness, with his speech eventually fading out.]
Cueball: Where am I?
Cueball: Help! Someone help me (unintelligible speech due to loss of air in dome)
[Cueball holds his hands to his mouth.]
[Cueball looks shocked.]
[Cueball tries to run, but has no traction against the ground.]
[Cueball falls down.]
[Cueball lies prone and motionless.]
[Black Hat and Danish watching from outside the dome, with Black Hat holding a clipboard as if to take notes.]
[Black Hat and Danish outside the dome. Black Hat is now holding the clipboard down to his side.]
Black Hat: Huh. Looks like physics professors don’t like working in frictionless vacuums after all.
Danish: They’re such liars.