November 23, 2009
#666: Silent Hammer explain

[Black Hat is hammering something on a table.]
Cueball: What—
Black Hat: Silent hammer. I’ve made a set of silent tools.
Cueball: Why?
Hammer: woosh woosh woosh
Black Hat: Stealth carpentry. Breaking into a house at night and moving windows, adjusting walls, etc.
[He takes his silent hammer over to a tool bench with other things on it. Two boxes underneath are labeled “Drills” and “Non-Drills.”]
Black Hat, narrating: After a week or so of questioning his own sanity, the owner will stay up to watch the house at night. I’ll make scratching noises in the walls, pipe in knockout gas, move him up to his bed, and never bother him again.
[The events he’s describing are shown in two mini-panels below.]
[Zoom in on Black Hat, with Cueball off-panel to the left.]
Cueball, off-panel: Nice prank, I guess, but what’s the point?
Black Hat: Check out the owner’s card, on the table.
Cueball, off-panel: Chair of the American Skeptics Society? Oh, god.
Black Hat: Yeah, this doesn’t end well for him.