November 20, 2009
#665: Prudence explain

[A small girl, with hair like Megan, is running towards a closed wardrobe.]
Voice (off-panel): Everyone hide! 99… 98… 97…
[The girl opens one of the two doors on the wardrobe.]
Wardrobe: click
[The girl is looking inside the wardrobe through the fully opened door.]
Girl: !!!
[The girl puts a hand to her chin.]
[The girl walks away.]
[The girl returns with an armful of electronics including lots of wires and a rover with wheels.]
[The girl is kneeling, typing on a laptop, which has a cord extending into the wardrobe.]
[In a forest with many tall leafless trees the Mars rover is approaching a lamppost with a lit candle. Behind it stands a faun with horns, goatee beard and hooves holding an umbrella.]