June 9, 2008
#434: xkcd Goes to the Airport explain

[Standing outside the Airport. There is a sign saying “Airport” and a plane in the background.]
Megan: Okay, what airline?
Beret Guy: I’m following you.
Megan: …I’m following you.
Beret Guy: I assumed we were walking to the bakery.
Megan: You always assume that!
[Presumably the security checkpoint. The Security guy is digging through Cueball’s bags.]
Security guy: Lockpicks? These are… illegal, actually. Where did you get them?
Cueball: Oh man, it all started with this hacker girl.
Security guy: You need to come with-
Cueball: Sure, sure. But man, let me tell you about her!
[On a plane. Cueball is on a laptop.]
Announcement: If your device has a “Transmit” function, please disable it.
Cueball: Okay - hang on, I’m halfway through the iwconfig man page.
[Security checkpoint. Security guy is examining a vial of dark liquid.]
Security guy: Sir, is this container under three ounces?
Black Hat: Not sure, how much blood is there in a churchmouse?
Security guy: . . .Why don’t you just go.