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May 5, 2008

#419: Forks and Spoons explain

Forks and Spoons

Megan: A spoon crossed with a fork is a spork.

Off-panel Megan’s voice: Our lab has successfully crossed a spork with a spoon. [Diagram showing the fractions of fork and spoon in each item.]

[Chart showing possible combinations of spoons a forks.]

Megan, facing audience: With your funding, we could create hybrids in proportions corresponding to any binary fraction.

[Fork-Spoon Spectrum.]

Audience member: You’re toying with powerful forces here.

Megan: We know what we’re doing.

Two weeks later:

[Picture of a destroyed lab, with a scientific poster and lab equipment. Two dead bodies, blood everywhere, and a spoon-fork hybrid hopping away can be seen.]

Hop hop hop