April 2, 2008
#405: Journal 3 explain

[Two women ice-skating outside.]
Ponytail: Wait up!
Danish (wearing Black Hat’s Hat): Skate faster!
[Danish sees cracking ice.]
Crack Crack
[Danish on chunk of ice broken off.]
Crack Rumble
[Submarine dorsal fin emerging.]
[Black Hat (without hat) coming out of hatch.]
Black Hat: Hi.
Black Hat: That’s my hat you’re wearing.
Danish (wearing Black Hat’s Hat(stolen in [[Journal 2]])): So, you found me after all.
Black Hat (out of frame): You didn’t make it easy.
Black Hat: You saw through me, all right. But not quite well enough.
Black Hat: Because if you wanted to stay lost forever, you made one mistake.
[Black Hat climbing out of hatch.]
[Black Hat sliding down a sheet of ice.]
[Black Hat taking back his hat from Danish’s head as he slides by on the ice.]
[Black Hat skidding to a stop and putting hat back on his head.]
Black Hat: You took my hat.
Black Hat: I LIKE my hat.
[Black Hat walking away.]
[Danish left standing, feeling like Black Hat in [[Journal 2]].]