April 18, 2008
#412: Startled explain

[Wide panel. Cueball and Megan are standing to one side. Black Hat is standing some distance away. Megan is looking at Cueball while pointing both at Cueball and at Black Hat.]
[Normal sized panel. Zoom in as Megan sneaks up close to Black Hat, who now looks a little upwards.]
[An inserted panel only half the height of the normal panels, but with its top lifted slightly above their levels and with its frame crossing both the previous and the next normal. It shows a close-up of Megan with hands raised while shouting.]
Megan: Boo!
[Only Black Hat is shown in this thin panel. He looks shocked, which is indicated by him taking his hands to his face, lines behind his head, and that his hat jumps up above his head, showing that he has a bit of hair under it.]
[The next three panels are even thinner than the previous, but they stay the same size. First, the hat falls down over Black Hat’s head down to his shoulders, without the hat changing size. The movement is indicated with two lines above the hat. Black Hat crosses his arms across his chest and bends in the knees.]
[Then the hat keeps falling over his body, swallowing it so only his legs below his knees are visible.]
[Finally the hat hits the ground with a large sound, also indicated with seven “U” shaped lines around the hat. There is no sign of Black Hat.]
[The last two panels are in another row below the previous panel, but there are no panels under the two first panels in the first row. This could indicate that time has passed, or is just a way to create a dramatic effect, as with all the other changes in panel size and position above. This panel’s width is somewhere between the first two panels. Cueball and Megan look at the hat, Cueball with a hand in front of his mouth.]
[The last panel is as wide as the first, but extends farther to the right than the last panel in he first row, again breaking the symmetry. Megan and Cueball still look on (both with hands down) as the hat begins to crawl away. The movement makes sounds and is indicated with four lines behind the hat now farther away from the two.]
Scooch Scooch Scooch