April 14, 2008
#410: Math Paper explain

[Cueball, holding a pointing stick, is using it to point at an equation on a panel. He is looking to the right. There are several parts of the panel that can be read. At the top, there is a formula. Below is a frame with text. Below again to the left is an X-Y plot with small dots all over all four quadrants, probably indicating the complex numbers with b on the Y and a on the X axis. Finally, right of this is yet another formula.]
Cueball: In my paper, I use an extension of the divisor function over the Gaussian integers to generalize the so-called “friendly numbers” into the complex plane.
σ(n)/n = d(n)
Friendly #s share d(n)
For a + bi…
[The audience to the right of Cueball consist of two Cueball-like guys (one in front and one in the back), and between them are Hairbun, with glasses, and Megan. They sit around a table; only Hairbun is on the near side. The Cueball-like guy sitting to the right is at the end of the table, the other two are on the far side. The Cueball at the end of the table is talking, the other three have turned to look at him:]
Guy at the end of the table: Hold on. Is this paper simply a giant build-up to an “imaginary friends” pun?
[Back to Cueball, who stands speechless.]
[One more beat panel with Cueball, who now looks down.]
[Zoom out to Cueball and the front end of the table with the Cueball-like guy who has not spoken yet and Hairbun who now looks at Cueball. Cueball looks up again and speaks. The guy at the end of the table speaks off panel.]
Cueball: It might not be.
Guy at the end of the table (off panel): I’m sorry, we’re revoking your math license.