April 11, 2008
#409: Electric Skateboard (Double Comic) explain

[Cueball showing off electric skateboard to Megan reading something.]
Cueball: Check it out! An electric longboard!
Megan: Sweet!
[Cueball riding longboard with Megan sitting onboard — people in background.]
Longboard: RRRR
[Megan turned around on longboard.]
Megan: I feel like we’re missing something…
Cueball: Yeah…
[Cueball holding 3 green Koopa Troopa shells; Megan throwing 1 red Koopa Troopa shell - like Mario Kart.]
Music Playing
Longboard: RRRR
[Cueball and Megan still on longboard, going up an incline.]
Cueball: Skating uphill like this is amazing. Years of gliding downhill and pushing uphill, and now suddenly it’s gliding both ways.
Longboard: RRRRRRR
[Cueball and Megan after passing an S-curve and boulder.]
Cueball: It’s like going from C to Python. You don’t realize how much time you were spending on the boring parts until you don’t have to do them anymore.
Megan: But coding C or assembly makes you a better programmer. Maybe the boring parts build character.
[Cueball and Megan on longboard.]
Cueball: Yeah… but it depends how you want to spend your life. See, my philosophy is-
[Longboard gets into an accident.]
[Calvin and Hobbes lying down in the grass near Cueball and Megan lying down in the grass - Calvin and Hobbes’s wagon is on the path, as is the longboard - all characters seeing stars.]