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December 31, 2008

#524: Party explain


Black Hat: And so I hired Rick Astley to show up at her party.

Cueball: And Rickroll her? Isn’t that a little…last year?

Black Hat: Ah, but he’s not going to sing.

Danish: Hey is that Rick Astley?

Ponytail: I think it is. He just came in.

Danish: Oh no. Brace yourself.

Danish: Wait. He’s just standing there. Where’s the song?

Danish: He’s staring at me.

Danish: This is a little creepy.

Danish: What’s going on?

Danish: That’s actually Rick Astley staring at me.

Danish: What’s he doing?

Danish: Oh God, I keep expecting it, hearing it in my head.

[Danish pulls at her hair.]

Danish: Just do it already!

[Danish runs off stage right.]


[Danish slams the door leaving Ponytail and Rick Astley]

Door: Slam

Ponytail: Mr. Astley?

Rick Astley: Yes?

Ponytail: What did you do to her? What was that?

Rick Astley: That, my dear,

[Rick Astley puts on sunglasses.]

Rick Astley: Is how I roll.