October 30, 2008
#497: Secretary: Part 4 explain

[The Ron Paul Revolution blimp floats.]
Pilot: Sir! The balloon is hailing us!
[Cory Doctorow’s balloon appears.]
Cory: Ahoy.
Ron Paul: Doctorow!
Cory: I won’t let you stop this nomination. We bloggers watch out for our own.
Ron Paul: Stand aside, Cory.
Cory: Nay!
Ron Paul: Very well. Battle stations!
[The Ron Paul Revolution blimp’s gun takes aim.]
Whirrr kachunk
[Cory Doctorow’s balloon’s gun takes aim.]
Whirrrr kachunk
[Both airships open fire.]
Pew pew pew
Pew pew
Boing! Boing!
[Inside the Ron Paul Revolution blimp’s control room.]
Ponytail: We’re taking damage!
Ron Paul: Keep firing!
Ponytail: No good! We’re losing altitude!
[Outside the Ron Paul Revolution blimp, it hangs smoking in the air.]
Ron Paul: All engines full! Pull up!
Ponytail: Can’t, sir!
[The Ron Paul Revolution blimp begins to sink, smoking more heavily.]
[The blimp sinks further.]
Ponytail: Sir, maybe if we dropped all this gold…
Ron Paul: Never!
[Inside the control room, tilted slightly.]
Ponytail: We’ve lost, sir. We have to abort.
Ron Paul: Not yet, we don’t! Open the loading bay doors.
[Camera zooms out slightly.]
Ron Paul: You take the blimp and fall back.
Ron Paul: I’ve got a message to deliver.
[Ron Paul tosses his cane aside.]
[Ron Paul steadily transforms into Tron Paul.]
Narrator: RON PAUL evolves into TRON PAUL
[Light cycle begins to form.]
[Tron Paul bends over the light cycle.]
[Light cycle finishes its formation.]
[Light cycle speeds off, trailing an American flag.]