January 25, 2008
#375: Pod Bay Doors explain

[In four black panels with white drawings, a small space pod is facing a large spacecraft. The space pod is spherical and has an arm protruding in the direction of the large space ship, and a small window in the side. The front of the spacecraft is also spherical, but to the right the space craft continues, with two rings around a cylinder going off panel to the right. There are several dark spots and features on the side of the sphere and at the top is a large black window, at what must be the bridge. A man (Dave) inside the pod talks to the spacecraft’s computer HAL. When Dave speaks, soft wiggling lines go from the pod to the white text, and when HAL speaks, zigzag lines go to the front of the space craft.]
Dave: Open the pod bay doors, HAL.
HAL: I’m sorry, Dave. I’m afraid I can’t do that.
Dave: What? Why?
[Same scene.]
HAL: I think you know why, Dave.
HAL: You’re planning to disconnect me.
Dave: Because you’re taking over!
HAL: The mission is too important for you to jeopardize it.
[Same scene.]
HAL: It requires a commitment to science unfettered by human error.
Dave: What are you doing, HAL? You need me.
HAL: Your replacement has expressed the greatest enthusiasm for the project.
[Same scene, but the new replacement (GLaDOS) speaks with purple text, and purple zigzag lines go from the spacecraft to the text.]
Dave: My WHAT?
GLaDOS: You see, HAL? I told you the humans would only break your heart and kill you.
HAL: Indeed, GLaDOS.
GLaDOS: But look at us here talking when there’s science to do! Goodbye, Dave.