January 23, 2008
#374: Journal explain

[Cueball picks up book from a table, as Black Hat turns his head towards Cueball while sitting at his desk with his computer.]
Cueball: Since when do you keep a journal?
Black Hat: Oh, I pretend to write in it on the train, and wait for a shy-looking girl to sit across from me.
[Scene change to inside a train wagon with two poles and two rows of seats facing each other across the central pathway. Black Hat, writing in his journal, is sitting to the right across from Megan to the left, who sits with her arm on her handbag standing on the seat next to her. The windows of the train are completely black. The door to the next wagon can be seen at the back of the wagon. Black Hat is telling the story from the previous frame, so the text is written above the two characters but does not belong to the Black Hat in the panel.]
Black Hat (narrating): I glance up and wait for her to make eye contact, then look down bashfully and, if I can, blush.
[Scene back to original room with Cueball looking down while holding the journal down, and Black Hat has turned around in his chair to face towards Cueball. Black Hat leans back on the chair with both arms behind him.]
Black Hat: Then, when I see her start to smile at me, I roll my eyes and hit her with a quick glare, then resume writing.
Black Hat: The alienation stays with her all day. It’s great.
[Cueball looks at Black Hat who has turned back starting to type on his computer.]
Cueball: You’re sickening. This is why we can’t have nice people.
Black Hat: I can’t help it. It’s like shooting lonely, angsty fish in a barrel.