August 20, 2007
#305: Rule 34 explain

Cueball: Huh– Thomas the Tank Engine slash fiction.
Megan: It’s rule 34 of the internet. If you can imagine it, there is porn of it.
Cueball: Nah. The web is freaky, but it can’t begin to have everything.
Cueball: There’s no porn set atop storm-chasing vans. No homoerotic spelling bees. No women playing electric guitar in the shower.
Megan: Actually, that last one would look pretty hot. As long as they were unplugged or waterproofed…
Megan: Rivulets of water run down her chest, the smooth body of the guitar firm against her hips.
Megan: She twangs the E-string and it shakes off tiny droplets in all directions.
[She rises into a crouch.]
Megan: You’re sure it doesn’t exist?
Cueball: Not yet.
Megan: I’m registering Let’s get on this.