July 13, 2007
#289: Alone explain

[Megan crawling on bed toward Cueball.]
Cueball: It’s not something you can turn off.
[Cueball pulling Megan, bedspread, and pillow off of bed onto floor.]
Cueball: A part of me is always detached. Abstracting, looking at numbers and patterns.
[Megan on top of Cueball, both under bedspread, on floor. Megan looks to be ’touching’ Cueball.]
Cueball: When we should be closest, part of me is still so alone. Counting the touches of her fingertips. Touch. Touch. Touch touch. Touch touch touch. Touch touch touch touch touch.
[Same scene as third panel.]
Cueball: Wait. Is that… That’s the Fibonacci sequence! Whatever I did to deserve you, it couldn’t have been enough.