April 13, 2007
#248: Hypotheticals explain

[Cueball is holding up his hand towards Beret Guy, who talks to him. From Beret Guy’s head go three bubbles to a big thought bubble, where the next part of the comic takes place.]
Beret Guy: What if I had some ice cream? Wouldn’t that be awesome?
Cueball: No, stop-
[The comic continues inside Beret Guy’s thought bubble. The two characters have switched places, and Beret Guy is now eating from an ice cream cone. Cueball is holding his hand to his chin, and from his head go four bubbles to a thought bubble in the lower right corner, where the last part of the comic takes place.]
Cueball: Great, you’ve trapped us in a hypothetical situation!
Beret Guy: Mmm, ice cream.
Cueball: Maybe if I had a knife I could cut our way free…
[Inside Cueball’s thought bubble, Beret Guy continues to eat his ice cream, but Cueball has cut a hole through the last thought bubble with a knife and is handing it to the Cueball who thinks about this].
Beret Guy: Mmm, ice cream!
Cueball: Here, take this one.