February 16, 2007
#224: Lisp explain

[Floating in space.]
Speaker: Last night I drifted off while reading a Lisp book.
Cueball: Huh?
Speaker: Suddenly, I was bathed in a suffusion of blue.
[Floating in space before a vast concept tree.]
Speaker: At once, just like they said, I felt a great enlightenment. I saw the naked structure of Lisp code unfold before me.
Cueball: My God
Cueball: It’s full of ‘car’s
Speaker: The patterns and metapatterns danced. Syntax faded, and I swam in the purity of quantified conception. Of ideas manifest.
[Close-up of floating in space before part of a concept tree.]
Truly, this was the language from which the gods wrought the Universe.
[Floating in space with God appearing through a line of clouds.]
God: No, it’s not.
Cueball: It’s not?
God: I mean, ostensibly, yes. Honestly, we hacked most of it together with Perl.