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November 26, 2007

#349: Success explain


[Four full-width panels arranged vertically, each with a label for number of hours elapsed, with a title above the stack of panels.]

Title: As a project wears on, standards for success slip lower and lower.

[Megan is standing behind Cueball, watching him as he sits at a desk working on a desktop computer on the desk.]

Label: 0 hours

Cueball: Okay, I should be able to dual-boot BSD soon.

[Cueball is on the floor fiddling with the open tower in front of him. Megan is not shown in the panel, but may be off-panel unless Cueball is talking to himself.]

Label: 6 hours

Cueball: I’ll be happy if I can get the system working like it was when I started.

[Cueball is standing in front of the computer, which now has a laptop plugged into the tower. Megan is still not shown in the panel, but may be off-panel again.]

Label: 10 hours

Cueball: Well, the desktop’s a lost cause, but I think I can fix the problems the laptop’s developed.

[Cueball and Megan are swimming in the sea; an island and a beach can be seen in the distance.]

Label: 24 hours

Cueball: If we’re lucky, the sharks will stay away until we reach shallow water.

Megan: If we make it back alive, you’re never upgrading anything again.