October 29, 2007
#335: Mattress explain

[Megan and Cueball are cuddling.]
Cuddling face-to-face is nice, but we can never figure out where to put our lower arms.
Our solution: the Cuddle Mattress!
Your lower arms fit in the convenient gap.
[There is a diagram of a mattress with a notch cut through it at shoulder level. The gap is indicated with an arrow.]
[The same couple is shown again, cuddling snugly on the mattress.]
[Cueball and Megan are giving a presentation to another person. Cueball has a pointer and a clicker for the slides that are projected on the screen next to him.]
Listener: Oh man, that’s ALWAYS bothered me.
Listener: I want one.
Listener: Although… so the lower arms just sort of dangle?
Listener: What do you do with them?
Cueball: It was a bit awkward.
Clicker: click
Megan: Then we had a second breakthrough.
[The couple is shown again on the cuddle mattress, this time in more detail and facing the tops of their heads. Their lower arms are sticking through the gap in the mattress and playing a conveniently located game of Rock ’em Sock ’em Robots.]
Cueball: click click
Blue Robot: punch
Red Robot: punch
Megan: click click