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October 12, 2007

#328: Eggs explain


[Megan sits at a bar; Beret Guy cleans a glass from behind the counter. Cueball approaches.]

Cueball: So, how do you like your eggs in the morning?

[Closeup on Megan.]

Megan: Ooh, sunny side up.

Cueball [off-panel]: Oh. Huh.

[Wide shot with Beret Guy, Megan, and Cueball again.]

Megan: Is that a problem?

Cueball: Well, it’s just that I was trying to set you up for the “unfertilized” line.

[Only Megan and Cueball are shown, with Cueball standing farther away from Megan.]

Megan: Ah. Bad timing; I’m actually looking for casual sex.

Megan: …Interested?

Cueball: I’d love to, but I’ve got like 20 more jokes to set up tonight. Hey, have you seen a priest and a rabbi?