February 3, 2006
#59: Graduation explain

[Megan and Blondie are talking.]
Blondie: What do you want to do when you graduate?
[Same scene as before.]
Megan: I want to become a lighthouse operator.
Blondie: Oh?
Megan: Yeah.
[Cut to scene of lighthouse with text overlaid.]
Megan: Lighthouses are built on interesting pieces of coast, so I’ll have an interesting place to walk and swim, and great views of all kinds of weather. I’d feel good about myself and my work every single day.
[Cut back to Megan and Blondie. Megan has her arms up.]
Megan: I’d get to be the girl in the tower, only I’d be the one rescuing people.
[Megan now has her arms down.]
Megan: Why, what do you want to do?
Blondie: I’m going to grad school. I don’t really know why.
[Same scene as before.]
Megan: Wanna come hang out in my lighthouse over breaks?
Blondie: …yeah.