January 4, 2006
#45: Schrodinger explain

[Black Hat and Cueball are standing next to each other. Above them the text is written in a box with shades around it.]
Schrödinger’s Comic
[Black Hat and Cueball are still standing next to each other, but Cueball has lifted his arms above his head. The text is again written in a box with shades around it.]
The last panel of this comic is both funny and not funny at the same time.
[Black Hat and Cueball are still standing next to each other, Cueball arms are down again. The text is again written in a box with shades around it.]
Until you read it, there’s no way to tell which it will end up being.
[Black Hat and Cueball are still standing next to each other. Cueball has become smaller and smaller through the three frames after the first. Quite clearly here in the last panel. The text is again written in a box with shades around it.]