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October 12, 2005

#19: George Clinton explain

George Clinton

[George Clinton uses a baton to point to the bottom of two equations on a blackboard. There is one more equation and a diagram on another blackboard to the right, which is cut off. There is text above:]

I once tried to start the urban legend that George Clinton has a B.A. in mathematics

[On the left blackboard there are two formulas:]

L(F(t) = F(s) = ∫0f(t)e-stdt

L-1 (F(s)) = f(t) = ∫0 F(t)estdt

[On the right blackboard there is part of a formula and a diagram with an x-y scale and three other lines touching down to the base. Above these lines are some numbers that are partly indecipherable.]

γn = 2n/12K

0 2 3


[Below George and the blackboards is text:]

…but I wanted it to be true so badly that I started believing it myself.